Different types of parasites can be present in the human body for a very long time, causing very specific damage to health.
A significant proportion of people suffer from serious diseases caused by parasites. Moreover, many have no idea about the presence of pests in the intestines and other organs.
Every parasite species known to science has its own unique characteristics that adults need to know about.
Risk of infection

Science currently knows more than 200 species of parasites that inhabit the human body.
Ways and methods of infesting pests in the most favorable location have been studied in detail. We can say that each type of parasite has its own "specialization. "
Many helminths live in the gastrointestinal tract. There are also those that parasitize the liver, lungs, and even the brain.
Almost every human being is exposed to a parasite attack. It is just as likely to be an adult or breastfed baby.
The presence of parasites in children is a major threat. Above all, this is reflected in the state of health. Babies often get sick for no reason.
Physical and mental development is delayed. It is not so easy to identify the cause of the disease, although it often “looks good”.
It is enough to perform certain tests, identify the type of parasite and prescribe a treatment.
A significant proportion of adults are at risk because their professional activities are related to the processing of raw materials contaminated with helminth samples.
Some parasite species are extremely resistant to environmental influences and can die with great difficulty.
Pest Types
The appearance of parasites in the human body is always accompanied by certain signs.
The peculiarity of the situation is that the symptoms are often very mild and it is difficult to detect the presence of pests without special tests.

The following types of helminths parasitize on the body:
- round;
- tape;
- claps.
This classification has been compiled with external characteristics in mind, while parasites, regardless of species, have many features in common.
Hooks and suction cups of different shapes are designed to make it easier for parasites to fix their position in a certain place.
The life cycle of many parasites consists of several stages. Moreover, a species such as a tapeworm has two "hosts" - a human and a pet.
Closed-loop migration allows these pests to exist and multiply. During movement, the parasite enters and feeds on the human body.
This property is present in all microorganisms living in the intestines or other organs. Only useful species are included in the creative activity and parasites in the destructive activity.
Under these circumstances, people need to support the beneficial effects and suppress pests.
Roundworms include roundworms. It is an orange parasite without suckers.
The shape of the spindle allows it to migrate through various organs and penetrate the smallest openings and folds. This type of parasite can penetrate the lungs or pancreas.
Eggs laid by a roundworm are protected by a strong shell that resists the destructive effects of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Most people become infected by eating unwashed vegetables and fruits.
Pinworm enters the human body in exactly the same way. It appears as a light gray, thin-striped worm that increases in length to 10 mm. Already at the larval stage, the parasite begins to harm humans.

The larva develops into a sexually mature individual and secretes toxic enzymes that irritate the intestinal mucosa.
Adult pinworm can penetrate deep layers of the small intestine and penetrate through and through. In such situations, a serious disease called peritonitis develops.
Another round parasite that parasites in the colon is the whipworm.
The following symptoms appear when swallowed:
- headache and dizziness;
- persistent abdominal pain;
- sleep disorder.
Vlasoglav got its name from its external characteristics - the worm is very thin and reaches a length of 50 mm. The parasite is the pathogen of trichocephalosis.
Never leave the body - the worm can only die after it comes out with the parasite feces.
The appearance of parasites in humans follows similar scenarios. Porcine and bovine tapeworms in the form of tapeworms enter the body when meat and pork and beef contaminated by Finns are consumed.
In appearance, these Finns or larvae are white bubbles and resemble millet pieces.
Once inside the intestines, the larvae become entrenched and become a full-fledged parasite. The development is asymptomatic in most cases.
After about three months, the tapeworm is able to reproduce. This type of pest reaches a length of at least ten meters.
The presence of tapeworms in the body causes a serious disease of teniarhinosis. A more serious threat to human health is the Echinococcus tape type parasite.

This parasite is an intermediate refuge for the human body. The main owners are animals - dogs and cats. People become infected by coming into contact with their beloved animals through the food route - through the mouth.
Upon entering the intestine, they become larvae of oocytes that have six hooks for attachment.
They enter various organs through the bloodstream and are most often fixed in the liver and lungs.
As an adult, echinococcus destroys surrounding tissues. Sometimes quite large parasites are mistaken for tumors.
Alveococcus is another representative of the tapeworm in the human body. After penetration into the intestines, the larvae develop intensively and penetrate the walls of the small intestine and enter the various organs and systems by the bloodstream.
Like echinococcus, the parasite attaches to the liver and begins its destructive activity.
Alveococcus takes the form of a multi-chambered bladder called a larvocyst. These larvocysts are able to penetrate the liver tissue and become cancerous metastases.
The blood supply to the liver tissue is cut off, necrosis begins, which poses a serious threat to human health and even life.
Fluke Worms
The list of tapeworms contains a special species of parasite called flukes.
The following species are particularly dangerous species:
- cat beetle;
- fasciola;
- schistosome.

Liver disease is more common among human diseases than other organ diseases. Fluca were named because of their anatomical structure.
The parasite's body has several suction cups that keep the pest in place and penetrate deep into living tissues.
Cats are most commonly found in the gallbladder and pancreatic ducts.
Fluke enters the human body with fish that have not been salted or cooked enough.
In people affected by the pest, the temperature rises suddenly, causing an unreasonable cough and rash on the body. If you don’t take emergency action, you could die.
Fasciola is absorbed into the body by drinking unboiled water. It causes chronic jaundice by allowing the patient.
Schistosomiasis, caused by a rare parasite, has become more common in recent years.
This fact is explained by the fact that many people have started visiting tropical countries where this pest is widespread.
Preventive measures
Medical practice shows that parasites take root much more often in the intestines than in other organs.
Pests of different species are able to adapt to the liver, lungs, heart, brain and even the eyes - only this list gives a sufficient picture of the dangers of parasites to human health and life.

Different types of parasites can enter the body individually or in combination, which increases the severity of the lesion.
In order to prevent any pest in the body, it is sufficient to comply with the basic hygiene and health requirements for food.
Young children should be kept under constant supervision, especially in summer when they go to land or sea.
There is no need to consume raw meat or fish, including sliced meat, today. This atavism must be left forever in the past so as not to expose your body to unnecessary risk.